i am here to introduce you guys a new game ----- frisbee.
me, and my
foundation friends have been playing this game for couple weeks already. and we have already addicted to this game.
it's ching yaw's fault. he is the one who introduced us the game.
and we are making this game more and more famous in campus. at the beginning, there were only 8 or 9 person playing frisbee in campus.
and new record today, 23 person join our game.
because there are more and more people start frisbee, we have an idea that to find some $$$$ lobang with this game. we have decided to organize a frisbee club in campus. wao, $$$ can be gotten by club registration, renewal of membership, monthly tournament, selling the tshirt of our club, and more more more. have i said that our aim is to
introduce frisbee earn money?
hahaha, no la, our aim is to introduce frisbee and to share more playing experience with all the pro-pro. my friends have started to make the proposal of organizing the club. hopefully we can start the club next semester.
no frisbee no life !!
p/s: will upload photos some days later. thanks for reading.