Saturday, March 8, 2008

wooooooooooo, 8 of march

as a malaysian, u should know that today is the voting day.

as a mirian, u should know that highlight of the day is two eng dao kia have to compete to win the election and be parliament of malaysia.

chin fah kui vs fong pau teck

(taken from a sohai's blog)

you can see the banners and pictures of two eng dao kia everywhere. these two eng dao have been the most most most famuos human in miri since last few weeks.
i am only 19, cant vote yet.

but i hope the fong pau teck can win the elcetion.
cos he is much more eng dao then chin fah kui and he got more hair.

hope the banners and pictures will automatically dissapear as sooooooon as possible.
it is very the siensssssssss seeing two guys who much more eng dao then me when i driving.

i wonder why they so so pia to be the parliament of miri. can earn many money meh? if can earn many money, i will quit curtin immediately and prepare myself to be one of the elector in the coming election.

"please vote me !! thank you !! "

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